Jumat, 13 Desember 2013

Direct Speech And Indirect Speech

The Difference Between Direct And Indirect Speech

* Direct speech is when we report what someone says by repeating the exact word. In writing, we use inverted commas:
-David: I have to talk to you about something. (original statement)
"I have to talk to you about something," said David (direct speech)
-Michelle: I'll call them tomorrow. (original statement)
"Michelle said, "I'll call them tomorrow." (direct speech)

* Indirect speech (also called reported speech) is when we give the same meaning of what someone says without repeating the exact words. In this case, we do not use inverted commas and certain changes may be necessary:
-David: I have to talk to you about something. (original statement)
David said he had to talk to me about something. (indirect speech)
-Michelle: I'll call them tomorrow. (original statement)
Michelle promised she would call them the next day. (indirect speech)

We also use indirect speech when we report inner thoughts:
-I had no idea where my keys were. (Where are my keys?)
-She knew that the lock had been changed. (The lock has been changed.)

Source: http://www.grammaring.com/the-difference-between-direct-and-indirect-speech

Descriptive Text And Report Text

What Makes Descriptive Text And Report Text Different?

Same Characteristics
Such topic, the difference between descriptive and report text, can be pretty interesting since both text types are relatively possessing the same characteristics. The most visible feature is that both text types contain some description, which means they describe about something, whether in particular or general. This kind of identical feature might have been the reason of why some students may, sometimes or at the first time, make wrong text composition in which they are asked to make report text but, then, they compose a descriptive one.

Particular and General
Those two terms, 'particural' and 'general' are the key point in explaining the difference between these two text types. Shortly, descriptive text describes something in particular, while report one describes in general. That is why if we take a look back at the two text titles given above it is distinct that 'Cats' is a title of report text for the title represents that the text cover general explanation and analysis about cats (what is cats, how cats behave, the types of cats, the history, and so on). On the other hand, descriptive text does not go far on explaining cats in universe, it talks about a specific cat; for example my cat, your cat, Mr. Jack's cat, my grandfather's cat, or other's cat. Other illustration of descriptive text is when it talks about the roses in your garden, your goat, your house, or your sister's baby.

The Language Feature
It is true to say both text types make lots of use of simple present tense, however if we take a look and analyze thoroughly at the language use and form, we can find that report text uses a language which tends to be more formal than descriptive does. This can be led by the fact that report text is based on the systematic analysis or observation which is in its nature is 'rather scientific'.

Source: http://liteneon.blogspot.com/2013/07/descriptive-text-vs-report-text.html

Study Abroad To Gain Job Experience

Studying abroad can be a very fulfilling and stimulating experience. While you may be bursting out with excitement to seep in as much as you can from studying abroad. It also offers you bright career prospects. The food, lifestyle, culture, history, weather, travel, language, and people are no doubt a greater portion of what you are looking out for, yet you should also build international experience during your stay to make yourself appealing for future job prospects. When you move out to another country in a completely different part of the world to pursue a semester, a summer program, or your entire degree, you are embarking on a journey to grow both professionally and personally.

The World Is Shrinking
With increasing concerns for a diverse workforce, companies demand employees who know how to interact with people from different backgrounds and cultures. When you study abroad, you get a chance to develop transnational competence. This is a combination of cross-cultural communication skills, independence, flexibility and deeper understanding of various cultures.

Interpersonal Skills Taken To A New Level
When you live in an environment that is completely different than what you experienced back home, you learn to interact with people who have different cultural contexts as compared to you.

Wade In New Waters
When you move out of your home country to another for the purpose of study, you can make amazing discoveries. You can learn a new language by immersing yourself in the culture. While abroad, do not focus solely on your studies, but also make the most out of it.

Impress Others In An Interview
Challenges are plenty when you move out of your comfort zone to study abroad. When applying for a job, your resume would better stand out among others. Make sure you make the most out of your study abroad trip; enhance cross-cultural skills, gain professional experience while studying, make valuable global contacts, organize an event, volunteer in your field or visit professionals in your areas of expertise.

Source: http://.artikelberbahasainggris.com/pendidikan/study-abroad-to-gain-job-experience.html

Business Etiquette

The Importance of Business Etiquette
By Lashon Fryer, eHow Contributor

Knowing and using proper business etiquette can get you one step closer to your dream job or your dream client. In the workplace, there is set of rules that are followed by each employee, but the rules are usually unwritten. If you are able to define and display the correct rules of conduct in the workplace you will stand out from your other colleagues. In business, you should constantly find ways to stand out from everyone else. By enhancing your knowledge of proper business etiquette, you can also increase your level of success.

Business etiquette is basically being respectful of yourself, your co-workers, and your boss. It is the practise of using the correct code of conduct while in the workplace. This code of conduct begins the minute you walk into a business environment or the second you meet a potential client. That being said, you must always be on time. If your meeting is set to start at 9:00 a.m. you would be exercising proper business etiquette if you get there by 8:45 a.m. Arriving at business appointments a few minutes early says to the client that you value his time and you are serious about his business.

When you arrive at the meeting be sure to address the person you are meeting with the proper title. Be sure to address the person by name, (i.e. Ms. or Mr.). If the client prefers you to address them by his-her first name, he will suggest that you do so. However, you should never take it upon yourself to call him by his first name. In addition, you should always do a little research on the person before your initial meeting. By doing so, you will learn more about the person, his position, and his business. This information can also serve as a few talking points during your meeting.

You should always use a firm, confident handshake and make eye contact. A handshake is the only form of physical contact that you will have with your potential boss or client, so practise until it's firm and perfect. This gives the person the sense that you are in control. In addition, be sure to always maintain eye contact and smile when you are talking in business environment.

Be confident and allow your confidence to speak itself. Meaning, your appearance should always be neat. Your tone should be pleasant and keep the word fillers to a minimum (i.e. ums, yeah). You always need to watch your body language. For instance, keep your hands folded in your lap if you are being interviewed or keep both elbows off of the table if you are at a business lunch or dinner.

Email Etiquette
If you are conversing with a client or potential client via email be as professional as you would if you were face-to-face. Do not use email abbreviations or emoticons. You will also be more apt to catch spelling errors. If you proofread your message before hitting the send button. Beware of the "reply to all" button. In addition, be sure that your email messages include the proper jargon for the particular business environment to ensure that the email reads correctly.

Source: http://www.ehow.com/about_5285280_importance-business-etiquette.html

Undang-Undang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik (UU ITE)

UU RI NO. 11 tahun 2008 Pasal 1, yang dimaksud Informasi Elektronik adalah satu atau sekumpulan data elektronik, termasuk tetapi tidak terbatas pada tulisan, suara, gambar, peta, rancangan, foto, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), surat elektronik (electronic mail), telegram, teleks, telecopy atau sejenisnya, huruf, tanda, angka, kode akses, simbol, atau perforasi yang telah diolah yang memiliki arti atau dapat dipahami oleh orang yang mampu memahaminya. Sedangkan Transaksi elektronik adalah perbuatan hukum yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan komputer, jaringan komputer, dan atau media elektronik lainnya.
Berikut di bawah ini UU ITE lebih lengkapnya:

Source: http://wisnugenko.blogspot.com/2013/05/uu-ri-no-11-tahun-2008-tentang.html